1800KVA-120KV partial discharge detection system
1800KVA-120KV partial discharge detection system
Product Description
This system is developed from the foreign advanced technology & interrelated product. It suits the testof PD detect,withstand test and PD fault locate of the XLPE cables under 50OkV. The relevantrecommendations; GB/T11017-2002、GB/T12706-2008、and lEC60502-2005.
The whole system has the advantage of the compact structure,multi-function, easy operate andsafety. lt can supersede the analogously equipment of foreign production. It is composed of high voltagereactor, double shield isolation transformer, regulator, high voltage capacitive divider, high voltage injectioncapacitor, PD detector, PD fault locator and shielded room. The whole system more than three hundredhave been using in the electric wire & cable manufactures.
1、(Figure Drawing of the system )
江苏希波电气科技有限公司在引进国外先进技术的基础上,成功研制了适用于对500kV及以下交联电缆,按照GB/T11017-2002、GB/T12706-2008、和IEC60502-2005标准规定,进行交联电缆局部放电测试和耐压试验的成套试验系统,本系统技术先进,性能可靠,完全可以替代进口的相同电压等级产品。系统包括∶高压调谐电抗器、双屏蔽静电隔离变压器、高低压滤波器、接触式调压器、电压测量分压器、高压校正注入电容器、局部放电检测仪、局部故障定位仪等。全套系统已在全国二百多家电线电缆生产企业投入使用,得到了用户广泛的好评。 1、系统组成及接线示意图 2、系统主要特点 ●系统设备局放水平可达∶≤2Pc  ●回路品质因数∶Q≥40  ●故障定位精确水平∶≤±2.5M(±1%) ●系统电压测量精度∶≤±3% ●系统具有定时耐压,ARC瞬时击穿保护,过电流保护,联锁保护及各种限位功能。调谐范围可覆盖成盘电缆长度2000m截面400 mm²的110kV及以下交联电缆的局部放电耐压试验及故障定位。 3、系统屏蔽室和控制室主要技术参数 ●接地电阻≤1Ω或低于工厂变电站接地电阻(在我公司指导下由用户完成) ●绝缘地坪电阻≥1000M 屏蔽室尺寸可按用户需要定制,墙体为钢架结构,墙面由镀锌钢板连续焊接而成,外墙表面采用双层夹心彩色钢板装饰,电动控制室采用双层夹心彩色钢板结构,塑钢门窗及高强度耐磨复合地板。
2、 Main feature )
●PD level: ≤2Pc
●Quality facror: :Q≥40
●Accuracy of fault locating: ≤±2.5M ( ± 1% )
●Accuracy of voltage measurement: ≤ ±3%
●The system has the function of timer, ARC detector,interlock, over current protection, zero start andoutput tap setting control.Tuning range can work on the PD test, withstand test and fault locate of powercable of max.Cross-section 400mm2, longest length 2000m for rated voltage under 110kV.
3、(Main feature of shield room and control room )
●Resistance of ground is less than 1Q or less than resistance of ground power distribution.(These shallbe done by user according to our drawing)
●Resistance of insulating layer ≥ 100OMQ
●100kHz-100 MHz:70dB-100dB
Attenuation of shield room: 10kHz-100 kHz:60dB-80dB,
100kHz-100 MHz:70dB-100dB
Dimensions of the shield room suits the user requirement. The whole structure of the building is madeof steel frames. The wall is covered with steel plate. Sandwich-structure color steel plates filled with formare used to decorate the outside wall The control room is composed of sandwich-structure color steelplates, the window and door is made of aluminum aiioy. The floor covered with internal decoration floorplates.

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This system is developed from the foreign advanced technology & interrelated product. It suits the testof PD detect,withstand test and PD fault locate of the XLPE cables under 50OkV. The relevantrecommendations; GB/T11017-2002、GB/T12706-2008、and lEC60502-2005.
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 1800KVA-120KV partial discharge detection system
1800KVA-120KV partial discharge detection system
This system is developed from the foreign advanced technology & interrelated product. It suits the testof PD detect,withstand test and PD fault locate of the XLPE cables under 50OkV. The relevantrecommendations; GB/T11017-2002、GB/T12706-2008、and lEC60502-2005.
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